Roses are all time favorite for almost anyone and an amazing gift suitable for almost all the occasions. However, different colors for each occasions; like the Red for love, and White for peace and sympathy, Yellow for a special friend and pink for an appreciation.

Rainbow Roses: a very special combination of roses that will attract anyone in the world. Believe us; this is going to be the best flower bouquet that you’ve ever given to the special someone. Rainbow roses are often called the “HAPPY ROSES” not just because they are shared on a happy day, but because they will make your day a happy day!

Look at these multicolored flowers!singapore florist

Rainbow roses in Singapore are a special offering by the Singapore Florist. You may have to order this flowers at least couple of days in advance so that we can make one only for you and your special someone. What are you waiting for? Plan a big surprise and gift this very impressive rose flower bouquet in Singapore.

Want to have a look at the making of Rainbow roses at Singapore Florist – the best Florist in Singapore?